
Our study on Hotel Dynamic Pricing, Stochastic demand and Covid-19 has been published on Annals of Tourism Research

In the paper we develop an innovative framework to study how hoteliers apply inventory control and price discrimination taking into account seasonality. … Continue readingOur study on Hotel Dynamic Pricing, Stochastic demand and Covid-19 has been published on Annals of Tourism Research


Paper presentation @ VU Econometrics BrownBag Seminar

On Thursday the 22nd of October 2002 I’ll be presenting a work titled Dynamic Partial Correlation Models at the VU Econometrics BrownBag Seminar.
This is a working paper that I am currently developing with professor André Lucas (you can check out the poster here, that we presented earlier this year at the 2022  NESG Conference in Groningen). … Continue readingPaper presentation @ VU Econometrics BrownBag Seminar

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